Bible Characters

Welcome to the section covering Bible Characters


Genesis 26
o   Direction                          1-5
o   Deception                        6-11
o  Distinction                       12-16
o  Discontent                        17-22
o   Dependence                    23-25
o   Discourse                         26-33
o   Daughter-In-Laws          34-35
Note the Dangers:
o   Departing to the wrong Place
o   Dishonouring his Partner
o   Depending on the wrong Person


Note the Digging:
(Water in the Scriptures can be a picture of the Holy Spirit John 7.39)
o   Baptised in the Spirit                          (1 Corinthians 12.13)
o   Indwelt by the Spirit                           (Romans 8.9)
o   Filled with the Spirit                           (Ephesians 5.18)
o   Grieving the Spirit                               (Ephesians 4.30)
o   Quenching the Spirit                          (1Thessalonians 5.19)


(Water in the Scriptures can be a picture of the Word John 15.3)
o   The Word of God                                  (Romans 10.17)
o   The Word of Truth                               (2 Timothy 2.15)
o   The Word of Life                                   (Philippians 2.16)
o   The Word of Faith                                 (Romans 10.8)


 May we too appreciate the value of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Scriptures!